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We would describe Robertson Garden Rooms as reliable, competent and the build was completed in the time frame. Your flexibility and tidiness were excellent as well as attention to detail, plus you were discreet and quiet.

​The best part of the service was how you were willing to discuss ideas to create a unique structure. We particularly like the shower room and the veranda.

​I can honestly say we use it pretty much every day. It's been such an investment!"

Testimonial from Mr & Mrs Blennarhassett

The client wanted to replace their tired, existing changing room with a bigger entertainment garden room and separate shower. 

Feering, Braintree
Size: 7.5m x 3m 

"Jason built a bespoke garden room with a shower/toilet in 2018 which has shown excellent craftsmanship. He delivered the project on budget and on time and was very professional to work with. He worked in a very tidy way and we've been delighted with the work that Jason did.

​​​​​​Contemporary, bespoke garden rooms ​for any size garden.​​​

Pool house g​arden room with changing area and shower

Case study 7

To enquire about your own Robertson Garden Room...

Call:    07825 854017 